Shucking our Shells

Delicious Delights
Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2022


Food for a thought

Photo by Marin Tulard on Unsplash

Nature is a great teacher of qualities and emotions. Only if we ever notice, the mundane is truly magnifique.
Perfecting personalities is everyone’s prerogative. But we aren't poised, have we ever wondered our natural answer to annoyance is anger? React to provocation- a mere trap not tact.
Can we ever find a solution to convert irritable invasion to something better?

One of the oldest remedies- Oysters being an irregularly shaped species, transforming a grain of dust that invaded the shell and irritated them to a beautiful pearl, oblivious to their personalities and capabilities.
Let’s shuck meaning into life from them.

Thank you for reading. This sparkled as a response to the wonderful prompt of Ravyne Hawke and Carolyn Hastings creatively crafted micro-poem. Would love your thoughts!! Thank you both for inspiring

Thank you Joanne Olivieri for this chance! Hope you don’t mind the mix! Would love your opinion on this addition to DD.

