Fluttering Hope

Response for the Microfiction Writing Challenge

Promptly Written
Published in
1 min readMar 16, 2022


Photo by Kai Oberhäuser on Unsplash

I stare at the trees squinting as the sun trespasses the clouds. The strong trunk and deep roots. Resilient from the dawn to the dusk of the seasons; from flush green leaves to the ripe red fall foliage. Waiting to fall, break, accommodating the young spring sprouts.

Children aged under 6, stuck in the deep orange wait, hoping for a home. While we’re much old, turning reds, yearn to fly, build our own.

I stare as a leaf falls, flies and flutters past my broken window, rekindling hope.

Autumn is the second spring when every leaf is a flower- Camus.

Thank you for reading.

Thank you Ravyne Hawke for this wonderful challenge.

This was inspired by Harry Stefanakis poem on orphaned children aging out of the system and

Christine Graves prompt on “Single leaf fluttered past the broken window” and Joanne Olivieri photo word challenge “Spring”.

Would love any thoughts!

Thank you Editors and PW for this chance!!

